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  • Description
  • Curriculum

Course Outline:
Welcome to this module on workplace hazards and personal safety. This module will inform you about the general hazards you will find offshore

Learning Objectives:

  • LO1: Describe the hazards and controls of confined spaces
  • LO2: Describe the hazards and controls of working at height
  • LO3: Describe the hazards and controls of suspended loads
  • LO4: Describe the hazards and controls of high-pressure systems and equipment
  • LO5: Describe the hazards and controls of flammable and explosive atmospheres
  • LO6: Describe the hazards and controls of moving and energised equipment
  • LO7: Describe COSHH
  • LO8: Describe the hazards and controls of manual handling
  • LO9: Describe the hazards and controls of the mechanical handling of heavy equipment
  • LO10: Describe the hazards and controls of vibration
  • LO11: Describe safety critical equipment and their different uses
  • LO12: Describe the hazards and controls of dropped objects
  • LO13: Describe noise hazards and how to control them
  • LO14: Describe the hazards and controls for slips, trips and falls
  • LO15: Explain process safety
  • LO16: Describe how you can be affected by fatigue LO17: Explain the
  • IOGP Life Saving Rules
  • LO18: Understand why you should use the correct PPE
  • LO19: Understand how personal actions affect work and others while on site
  • LO20: Describe the importance of communication and spatial awareness
  • LO21: Explain the reasons for reporting systems and the importance of stopping the job
  • LO22: Understand the role of safety committees and safety representatives